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Guitar Hero?

Guitar Hero?

Meet Cassey Shields, one of our production line supervisors.

Cassey was the manager of a sandwich shop when the organisation went into liquidation and she found herself without a job. Luckily her brother Craig (remember him? the chef who fishes and grows herbs?) was working with us already and arranged for her to come and have a go at being a machine operator. She was an instant success and soon stepped up as a supervisor to cover someone’s time off. That was 8 years ago this year and now she’s an integral member of the team. “I never want to be behind a desk” she says “I want to stay hands on”. Craig said the same thing - must run in the family.


When not at work, she and her partner of 26 years (who just happens to be the maintenance man here) enjoy car journeys in the countryside. “We don’t really care where we end up” she says “We just set off and see what happens. Last week we ended up in Whitby and we didn’t mean to!”. Don’t ask her for a lift home then, you might have quite a detour. That’s if there’s room for you in the car because she also has a son and two grandchildren to contend with – no wonder she says she enjoys a good country pub when they come across one on their travels.


As for music? “Oh it has to be the old stuff for me” she says, “None of this new rubbish. The best group ever were Queen and I still love them now … not as much as I love Slash mind you, my partner thinks I fancy him but it’s just that I love a good electric guitar sound” … yeah, right Cassey … we believe you.

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